Expanded student loan forgiveness for public employees:
Unpacking new Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) rules
The recent announcements of changes to the PSLF program were huge. The Department of Education made much-needed changes, expanding who qualifies for PSLF and making the system more manageable. The settlement of Weingarten v. DeVos means every borrower whose previous PSLF applications was rejected will have the opportunity for their application to be reviewed and processed through a new review procedure.
We expect this new review process to result in complete discharge for tens of thousands of student loan borrowers across the country, including many of our members. If you will qualify under this waiver, it’s critical to apply for it by Oct. 31, 2022.
We are offering an information session for our members on November 9 at 6:00 p.m. that will cover what we know about the new rules, offer specific guidance on how to access the loan forgiveness, and update participants on the overall student loan landscape.
If you have any questions about the session, please contact Gretchen Long at Gretchen.long@edmn.org. If you have questions about the PSLF program, please send them to dnd@edmn.org.
These changes are a result of years of advocacy and pressure by members of the AFT and NEA, and an example of the things we can accomplish together.
In Solidarity
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