Voting Instructions
Verify your personal email address is on file with MSCF.
An email through Action Network will be sent on October 3, 2022, to all members with a personal email address on file. If you receive this email, no further action is required. Please check your spam/junk mail if you do not see it in your inbox.
If you do not receive the email, please contact Renate Behrendt at to provide MSCF with your personal email address.
If you prefer to vote without providing a personal email address, you must contact the MSCF office prior to Noon on October 7, 2022, with your name, campus, and home mailing address. Send this information to Renate Behrendt at
Voting opens via Election Buddy at 10:00 am, October 20, 2022. Follow the instructions sent to your personal email or to your home address (if requested by October 7, 2022).
Voting closes at 4:00 pm on October 25, 2022.
If you are unable to vote, please contact Renate Behrendt at or 651-767-1262 between 9:00 am and 4:00 pm on October 21, 24 or 25, 2022.